3. April 2013 in Basel: Vortrag über "Human Enhancement"

19:00 Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz, Hörsaal 118 Human Enhancement – Hirndoping und Designmenschen? Referent: Johann Roduit Doktorand in Bioethik und Recht an der Uni Zürich Vortrag in Englisch

Johann Roduit is a founding member of NeoHumanitas and a PhD Candidate in Biomedical Ethics and Law at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He is also the founder of TEDxMartigny and a blogger for the Huffington Post.


"NeoHumanitas is a think tank that promotes reflection and discussion about the socio-ethical consequences of the use of emerging and future technologies on human beings."

Roduit's talk will be structured as follows:

1) General introduction to the debate about the ethics of enhancement 2) Quick summary of his paper on human enhancement and perfection (recently published in the Journal of Medical Ethics: http://jme.bmj.com/content/early/2013/02/21/medethics-2012-100920.abstract) 3) Longer explanation of a forthcoming paper on ideal/non-ideal theory in the debate about enhancement - the heart of his dissertation 4) Conclusion